
Friday, 4 September 2015

James Rizzi

In Term 3 we have been looking at an artist called James Rizzi.  The students have discussed his style of art and in keeping with our overall theme of ‘structure and architecture’ LZ1 F have created their own masterpieces that had the following success criteria…
* Use primary, secondary, tertiary and tinted white colours
* Have 3 buildings or more that had to overlap each other
* Buildings must have a variety of crenellations
* Buildings must have anamorphic features
* A border was required down each side of the page
* 2 smaller objects and 1 building had to ‘pop out’

James Rizzi

James Rizzi was an artist who created 3D buildings, cars, and once a jet.
On his buildings he drew a lot of faces and animal features.
He used pastel, secondary, tertiary, and bright colours.
His art is very busy. The principle of his art is to make still life things look alive.
By Noam Adiv

Below is a picture by James Rizzi.  

Watch this space for more Rizzi Art from LZ1 F

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Festival artwork

For 3 days all the students at Dairyflat school enjoyed doing a selected type of art then we displayed our finished products in the Hall for the community to come and look at. Below you can see the finished products from LZ1 F.